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  • Writer's pictureTracy Hightower-Henne

Running for Nebraska State Legislative District 13: My Commitment to Progressive Leadership.

Updated: Feb 15, 2023

Dear constituents of Legislative District 13,

My name is Tracy Hightower-Henne and I am running for a seat in our Nebraska's State Legislature, District 13. I have always been deeply invested in our community and the issues that affect us all, and I believe that I can make a positive impact in the State Legislature. I have a strong commitment to progressive values and the conviction that government should serve the needs of all members of our community. My skills and experience are aligned with this philosophy and I am running to bring this perspective to the state legislature.

Growing up in Omaha, I have seen firsthand the challenges that many families face. From inadequate schools and access to healthcare to struggling small businesses and a lack of affordable housing, I understand the issues that are important to our community. It is because of this that I am running for office, to fight for the needs of our community and to help create a better future for our community.

As a progressive candidate, I am committed to fighting for policies that put people first. I believe in a living wage for all workers, access to affordable healthcare for all, and quality public education that provides opportunities for all students. I also support meaningful action on climate change, including investments in clean energy and the protection of our natural resources. These policies will not only improve the lives of those in LD 13, but they will benefit our state as a whole.

In addition to these core progressive values, I also believe in fighting for transparency and accountability in government. I believe that elected officials should be accountable to the people they serve, and that is why I will make it a priority to be accessible and responsive to my constituents. I will work to ensure that our government operates in an open and transparent manner, and that the people of LD 13 have a voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

In conclusion, I am running for the legislature because I believe that I can make a positive impact in LD 13 and across the state. I am committed to fighting for progressive policies that put people first, and to creating a government that is accountable to the people it serves. I ask for your support in this election and look forward to the opportunity to serve as your representative in the state legislature.

Thank you for considering my candidacy,

Tracy Hightower-Henne

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